The ARC Gender Relations Team offers the following Workplace Training. We can offer a whole day with any combination below:
Workplace and Gender:
A half-day workplace training session looking at gender relations in the workplace; employment and gender; an overview of how gender can impact work and home life; and the underlying drivers of sexism, abuse and violence against women and children. This training encourages accountability, and asks some basic questions about identifying and responding to unhelpful attitudes around gender.
Sexuality and Gender Diverse Workplace:
A half day workplace training on cultural inclusivity for LGBTQIAP+ communities, co-workers and clients. This includes information on the specific experience of domestic and family violence and lateral violence within LGBTQIAP+ communities. It looks at respectful language for LGBTQIAP+ communities, and specific social and cultural understandings of gender, sex and sexuality.
Working with Men:
This half-day training looks at how unhealthy/harmful forms of masculinity impact on men in the workplace, at home and in the community. How can we best work with men to achieve greater wellbeing in the whole community?
Adolescents, gender and violence:
Half day on how unhealthy/harmful forms of masculinity impact the behaviour choices of adolescents. This training is specifically for workers who are working with adolescents. (In development)
Bystander Intervention Training:
This training explores how bystanders can intervene in gender-based (and other forms of) violence, in everyday conversations and situations. It shows how gendered social norms and subtle sexist attitudes are linked to disrespectful and abusive behaviours. The training invites reflection and supports participants to develop practical, active bystander intervention skills.
Tailored workplace training:
We can offer a tailored training to suit your workplace, that helps to develop knowledge and professional practice around gender relations that promotes gender health and wellbeing in your workplace and the communities you service.